Into the black

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It's this period of my life that I feel extremely excited since I have a lot of new things going on. I'm into changes in general; specially the good ones. I feel great when I experience new things, meet new people and test my limits. I discover every day new characteristics about myself and I push me into completely new ...

Romantic mood with MCM

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Let's say that you are invited to a wedding and you are searching for the perfect dress or should I say THE dress! I'm sure (and I completely agree) that you want to find a dress that can leave everyone breathless. I was searching for a long time for that special dress that you can wear even if you are ...

Munchen cute monsters bag

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It's been a hectic week because officially the exam period has started! Let's hope that you are reading it right now can feel me. But after that it's summer, and vacation and sun and cocktails and that practically means that the good part can begin. Our regular readers may be shocked that I wear white; and not just any white but ...

Summer breeze with MCM

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A weekend away from the city is always a good idea. This post is about a comfortable outfit for a walk by the sea and my latest MCM crush which was gift for my birthday and since then it's the love of my life. I still can't believe how much you can use this bag. It may look  small but let me tell you it's ...

Guess what? Rock VS Romantic

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Well, hello there fashion lovers! Summer is here for good and the only thing we are thinking about is vacation, beach and cocktails. Suddenly, vacation have to wait as the exams at the University are close enough and we have to study (wish us good luck) . As a big fan of romantic style, waiting for the prince to come I ...